This is our largest open-frame stainless steel rack. This rack has a 24″ frame and is suitable for the big drops (>1,000′) such as El Capitan or Mt. Thor.
This frame is available with a straight or 90 degree eye, with either U-Bars or Tubular Bars. Both come with a Hyper Bar.
The need for a larger sized rack frame on a big drop has to do with the ability to space out the bars. During a long drop, the heat generated is enormous and being able to space out your bars on a large frame allows the user to navigate the drop while keeping the temperature low through minimal contact with each bar. With extreme rope weight, the rope on a long drop (at the top) is similiar to a steel cable-very unyielding. Using a longer rack such as this, will allow the taut rope to make it’s way through the rack at a controllable speed.
If a Maillon Rapide is preferred for the connector to the harness, a G-060-SS or G-080-SS will fit over the rack eye.
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